CFHealthHub enables smarter care through personalisation and empowerment

Who is the CFHealthHub team?
It takes a village, and ours is made up of people from a diverse range of backgrounds, from statisticians and software engineers through to academics and CF clinicians.
Our current research

The biggest cystic fibrosis study in the UK
By capturing real time information via patient nebulisers, CFHealthHub has enabled clinicians and researchers to better understand medication use in people with CF, and the platform facilitates a range of evidence-based interventions including problem solving and creation of detailed plans to support treatment-taking.
CFHealthHub was created over 6 years by a National collaboration

Our achievements

NHS Parliamentary Awards 2022
The Future NHS award – North East and Yorkshire Regional winner and National Finalist
Medipex NHS Innovation Awards and Showcase 2022
Improved treatments, therapies and rehabilitation – Category Finalist