CFHealthHub Publications

CFHealthHub has an on-going research programme committed to improving patient outcomes and quality of care. The list below is a non-exhaustive list of publications. Some of the publications explore important issues in quality improvement (QI) in CF, such as the use of Registry data to identify high quality care, and the importance of pseudomonas status in allowing ‘apples with apples’ comparisons. In addition, there are studies exploring metrics such as normative adherence that underpin the NICE indicator.

Journal publications

Key publications

CFHealthHub: The development of a digital intervention to provide feedback on objective nebuliser adherence data for adults with cystic fibrosis (CF)

Arden, MA, Drabble SJ, O'Cathain A, et al

Front Public Health 2017. doi: 10.3389/conf.FPUBH.2017.03.00081

Easy Medicines for Burden Reduction and Care Enhancement (EMBRACE) – medicines optimisation

Quality Improvement using CFHealthHub

Pragmatic criteria to define chronic pseudomonas aeruginosa infection among adults with cystic fibrosis

Hoo ZH, Coates E, Maguire C, et al.

Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2018;37:2219-2222

CFHealthHub intervention/trial and behavioural science

Health and habits

Arden M.

The Psychologist 2019

Role of habit in treatment adherence among adults with cystic fibrosis

Hoo ZH, Gardner B, Arden MA, et al

Thorax 2019;74:197-199

A pragmatic behavior-based habit index for adherence to nebulized treatments among adults with cystic fibrosis

Hoo ZH, Wildman MJ, Campbell MJ, et al

Patient Prefer Adherence 2019;13:283-294

Rescue vs prevention in CF care

An empirical method to cluster objective nebulizer adherence data among adults with cystic fibrosis

Hoo ZH, Campbell MJ, Curley R, et al

Patient Prefer Adherence 2017;11:631-642

Conference abstracts

Easy Medicines for Burden Reduction and Care Enhancement (EMBRACE) – medicines optimisation

Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)

A personal reflection on being a co-applicant in the ACtiF study

Beever DA, Wildman MJ

Res Involv Engagem 2017; 3(Suppl 1):P26

CFHealthHub intervention/trial and behavioural science

CFHealthHub: The development of a digital intervention to provide feedback on objective nebuliser adherence data for adults with cystic fibrosis (CF)

Arden, MA, Drabble SJ, O'Cathain A, et al

Front Public Health 2017. doi: 10.3389/conf.FPUBH.2017.03.00081

Rescue vs prevention in CF care

Exploring different methods to display centre-level data in the UK CF Registry annual report

Hoo ZH, Walters SJ, Campbell MJ, et al

Pediatr Pulmonol 2017;52(S47):S404

Demographic and clinical factors associated with objective nebuliser adherence among adults with CF

Hoo ZH, Gardner B, Curley R, et al

J Cyst Fibros 2017;16(Suppl 1):S59

The importance of data completeness in determining centre-level nebuliser adherence rates

Hoo ZH, Curley R, Campbell MJ, et al

Pediatr Pulmonol 2016;51(S45):S448-S449

Metrics that matter: making the invisible visible as adherence support moves a patient from a dependence on unscheduled rescue to planned prevention

Hinchliffe C, Rose C, Wildman MJ

J Cyst Fibros 2013;12(Suppl 1):S138

Quality Improvement using CFHealthHub

Maintaining the motivation of staff who are maintaining the motivation of patients to change: it’s a parallel process

Pipeva A, Carolan C, Edenborough F, et al

J Cyst Fibros 2020;19(Suppl 2):S23-S24

The future for cystic fibrosis clinic structure?

Shepherd E, Allenby M. Staggering!

J Cyst Fibros 2020;19(Suppl 2):S159

A quality improvement project to increase the use of objective adherence data and adherence plans in a regional CF physiotherapy service

Shepherd E, Green S

Pediatr Pulmonol 2019;54(S2):S458-S459

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